506 research outputs found

    Analysis of Radar Doppler Signature from Human Data

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    This paper presents the results of time (autocorrelation) and time-frequency (spectrogram) analyses of radar signals returned from the moving human targets. When a radar signal falls on the human target which is moving toward or away from the radar, the signals reflected from different parts of his body produce a Doppler shift that is proportional to the velocity of those parts. Moving parts of the body causes the characteristic Doppler signature. The main contribution comes from the torso which causes the central Doppler frequency of target. The motion of arms and legs induces modulation on the returned radar signal and generates sidebands around the central Doppler frequency, referred to as micro-Doppler signatures. Through analyses on experimental data it was demonstrated that the human motion signature extraction is better using spectrogram. While the central Doppler frequency can be determined using the autocorrelation and the spectrogram, the extraction of the fundamental cadence frequency using the autocorrelation is unreliable when the target is in the clutter presence. It was shown that the fundamental cadence frequency increases with increasing dynamic movement of people and simultaneously the possibility of its extraction is proportional to the degree of synchronization movements of persons in the group

    Solitons in the Calogero model for distinguishable particles

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    We consider a large N,- N, two-family Calogero model in the Hamiltonian, collective-field approach. The Bogomol'nyi limit appears and the corresponding solutions are given by the static-soliton configurations. Solitons from different families are localized at the same place. They behave like a paired hole and lump on the top of the uniform vacuum condensates, depending on the values of the coupling strengths. When the number of particles in the first family is much larger than that of the second family, the hole solution goes to the vortex profile already found in the one-family Calogero model.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, late

    Supplementary information for: "Binding of metal ions and water molecules to nucleic acid bases: The influence of water molecule coordination to a metal ion on water–nucleic acid base hydrogen bonds"

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    Figure S1. Distance distribution for hydrogen bonds with coordinated and noncoordinated water, separately for different nucleic bases and positions; Table S1. The calculated interaction energies and distances between five nucleic bases and noncoordinated water molecules, at the B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP (kcal/mol) and corrected for BSSE), MP2/def2-QZVP (kcal/mol) and noncorrected for BSSE) and CCSD(kcal/mol) and T)/CBS level; Table S2. The calculated interaction energies and distances at the B3LYP-D3/def2-TZVP level between five nucleic bases and water molecules coordinated to Zn2+ ion; Table S3. A number of hydrogen bonds between nucleic bases and coordinated water, and percentage of [M(H2O)n]x+ complexes, with different kinds of metals. Figure S2. Electrostatic potential maps for the nucleic bases. Figure S3. Distribution of the distance between water oxygen and nucleic base oxygen/nitrogen found in PDB structures for noncoordinated and coordinated water;Supplementary information for: Andrić, Jelena M., Stanković, Ivana, Zarić, Snežana D., "Binding of metal ions and water molecules to nucleic acid bases: The influence of water molecule coordination to a metal ion on water–nucleic acid base hydrogen bonds" in Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials, 75 (2019):301-309, [https://doi.org/10.1107/S2052520619001999]Published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3521

    Laboratory evaluation of insecticidal effectiveness of a natural zeolite formulation against Sitophilus oryzae (L.), Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) in treated wheat

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    Inert dusts are increasingly becoming an integral part of programs for protection of cereal grains from stored-product insects. The intention in this study was therefore to conduct preliminary tests of insecticidal potentials of the natural zeolite formulation Minazel SP (66% SiO2, particle size ≤ 50 μm) originating from Serbia in controlling S. oryzae, R. dominica and T. castaneum. Dust effectiveness was tested in the laboratory (24±1ºC and 50-55% r.h. for parents and 24±1ºC and 60±5% r.h. for F1 progeny) by exposing insects to wheat treated with 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00 g/kg of Minazel SP. Mortality was determined after 7, 14 and 21 days of insect contact with threated wheat, and total mortality after an additional 7 days of recovery on untreated broken wheat. Progeny production in F1 generation was also determined for each insect species after 8-12 weeks. After seven days of exposure and 7 days of recovery of all tested species, the highest efficacy of 62% was observed after the highest application rate of 1.00 g/kg against S. oryzae. The highest efficacy after 14 and 21 days was achieved with the same application rate against T. castaneum (100%), S. oryzae (96-98%) and R. dominica (70-82%). Progeny reduction (IR – inhibition rate) of all tested species depended on the duration of parents exposure to treated wheat. After 7 days of exposure progeny reduction rates were 49-67% for S. oryzae, 42-68% for R. dominica and 47-78% for T. castaneum. After 14 days of exposure, inhibition rates were 55-78% for S. oryzae, 72-81% for R. dominica and 53-90% for T. castaneum, while progeny reductions of S. oryzae were 51-85%, R. dominica 80-96% and T. castaneum 87-99% after 21 days of exposure. Keywords: Wheat grain, Sitophilus oryzae, Rhyzopertha dominica, Tribolium castaneum, Natural zeolit

    The study of aqua ligand orientation in metal complexes andhydrogen bonds by means of quantum-chemical and informatics methods

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    Нековалентне интеракције су од великог значаја у областима супрамолекулске хемије, кристалног инжењеринга, хемије материјала и биохемије. Поред значаја за фундаменталну науку, нековалентне интеракције имају и велики практични значај. Контролом процеса који су одговорни за препознавање и паковање могуће је добити материјале жељених хемијских и физичких особина. У оквиру ове докторске дисертације изучаване су водоничне везе координованих молекула воде у октаедарским и тетраедарским комплексима метала као и некоординованих молекула воде. С обзиром да координовани молекули воде (аква лиганди) имају различите оријентације, у раду су проучаване и оријентације координованих молекула воде у октаедарским и тетраедарским комплексима. Водоничне везе координованих и некоординованих молекула воде су анализиране на основу поређења геометријских параметара (дужине веза, углови веза, као и различити торзиони углови)добијених претрагом Кембричке базе структурних података (CSD).Ради испитивања утицаја координације на јачину водоничних веза урађени су и квантно-хемијски прорачуни на модел системима који су конструисани на основу анализе података који су добијени претрагом CSD-а. Прорачуни су показали да координација молекула воде значајно повећава јачину водоничних веза. Израчунате енергије интеракција су у доброј корелацији са израчунатим вредностима за критичне тачке на мапама електростатичког потенцијала. Испитивања оријентација молекула воде показују да окружење молекула игра значајану улогу. Поред окружења, на оријентацију координованог молекула воде утиче и наелектрисање комплекса као и природа лиганда.Noncovalent interactions have great importance in area of supramolecular chemistry, crystal engineering, chemistry ofmaterialsand biochemistry. Beside importance for fundamental science, noncovalent interactions have great practical significance. Controlling the processes that are responsible for recognizing and crystal packing, it is possible to get materials with the desired chemical and physical properties. Within this doctoral thesis, hydrogen bonds of coordinating water molecules in octahedral and tetrahedral metal complexes as of noncoordinating water molecules are studied. Concerning the fact that coordinating water molecules (aqua ligands) have different orientations, in this work, the orientations of coordinating water molecules in octahedral and tetrahedral metal complexes were studied. The hydrogen bonds of coordinating and noncoordinating water molecules are analyzed on the basis of comparison of geometrical parameters (bond distances, bond angles, and different torsion angles) that are retrieved from Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). In order to estimate influence of water molecule coordination on the hydrogen bond strength, the quantum-chemical calculations were done on the model systems which constructions were based on the analysis of the crystallographic data from Cambridge Structural Database (CSD). The results of calculation showed that water molecule coordination significantly increase hydrogen bond strength. The calculated interaction energies are in good correlation with the calculated values at critical points on the map of electrostatic potential. The studies of orientation between water molecules showed that thе environment has significant influence. Besides surrounding molecules, charge of the complex and the nature of the ligands influence orientation of coordinated water molecule

    Susceptibility of red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) populations from Serbia to contact insecticides

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    Contact insecticides remain the principal option for controlling stored-product insects. Unsatisfactory results of insecticide applications are caused by several factors, one of the most important being resistance of stored-product insects. The objective of this study was to examine the susceptibility in several populations of red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) from Serbia to different contact insecticides. Toxicity of the insecticides dichlorvos, malathion, chlorpyrifos-methyl, pirimiphos-methyl, deltamethrin and bifenthrin to adults of a laboratory population of T. castaneum was investigated in the laboratory by topical application. At the LD50, deltamethrin was the most toxic and malathion the least toxic of the insecticides. Discriminating dose data for the laboratory population were used to test the susceptibility of 10 other populations originating from different storage facilities (silos, warehouses and flour mills) in Serbia. The discriminating dose of malathion caused mortality of up to 85% in seven populations, indicating malathion resistance in those populations. For two populations of T. castaneum from Nikinci and Jakovo LD values, ld-p lines and levels of susceptibility/resistance (RRs) were determined. The most toxic insecticide for adults from Nikinci and Jakovo was deltamethrin, while malathion was least toxic. The resistance ratios (RRs) for malathion at the LD50 were 17.6 for beetles from Nikinci, and 26.0 for beetles from Jakovo. Keywords: Tribolium castaneum adults; Different populations; Insecticide toxicity; Susceptibility resistanc

    Mechanical activation as sintering pre-treatment of talc for steatite ceramics

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    The effect of vibratory mill induced mechanical activation on the change of the particle size, crystallinity and the phase transformations of the minerals present in the activated material, was studied with the purpose of decreasing of the sintering temperature of talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) as raw material which is the basic component of the steatite ceramics. The aims of the conducted investigation were, also, increasing of the reactivity of the comminuted raw material and establishing of the optimal activation period. The properties of the activated talc induced by mechanical force were expressed in form of the grain inertia change which was measured by means of automatic grain counter. Mechanically activated grains are the most convenient mineral form for physical concentration since the energy change of the mill-material system is recorded on them. The effect of dry grinding on the structure, particle size and shape of talc was studied by means of XRD, DTA and SEM/EDS methods. Activation of talc produced an increase of the starting surface area value progressively from 4.5 m2/g up to a maximum of 108.5 m2/g achieved at 30 min. A subsequent decrease of rate of surface area change and the rate of size reduction were observed following the prolonged grinding. Talc activated in vibratory mill for optimal 30 min showed properties which positively influence the decrease of sintering temperature and the increase of the sintering rate of steatite ceramics. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 172057, br. 45008 i br. 33007

    Anatomical characteristics of two Ornithogalum L. (Hyacinthaceae) taxa from Serbia and Hungary and their taxonomic implication

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    Anatomical characters of two morphologically similar Ornithogalum taxa, O. umbellatum and O. divergens, were investigated. An analysis of leaf and scapus cross-sections was performed on plants from ten populations from Serbia and Hungary, using light microscopy. The aim of this research was to give data about the qualitative and quantitative anatomical characteristics of these taxa, in order to evaluate their taxonomic significance and single out distinctive anatomical features, as well as to contribute to the knowledge of the genus Ornithogalum in the studied region. On the basis of the variability of anatomical characters, similar populations formed two clusters, joining the plants previously determined as O. divergens and O. umbellatum. The two taxa significantly differed for most of the quantitative leaf and scapus characters. Since only quantitative differences were recorded in this research, anatomical characters could not be solely used to separate these two taxa. However, the results of anatomical investigations are consistent with the results of previous morphological and genetic analyses; therefore anatomical parameters could be useful as additional taxonomic characters

    A Nonrelativistic Chiral Soliton in One Dimension

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    I analyze the one-dimensional, cubic Schr\"odinger equation, with nonlinearity constructed from the current density, rather than, as is usual, from the charge density. A soliton solution is found, where the soliton moves only in one direction. Relation to higher-dimensional Chern--Simons theory is indicated. The theory is quantized and results for the two-body quantum problem agree at weak coupling with those coming from a semiclassical quantization of the soliton.Comment: 11 pages, Latex2